Got a new epic fantasy book for you. I almost forgot. I’m a writer!

Got a new epic fantasy book for you. I almost forgot. I’m a writer!

So, I haven’t written anything new for my blog in almost three years to the day. And it’s been about two and a half years since I last published a book. Well, after a host of real life crap, and the past year and a half of working at a hospital during COVID, I’m here with a new post, and a new epic fantasy book (my sixth book in total)! Eulogy for the Dawn, Wrathlore #1! Check it out. I’m an author again! (Yes, I know–it just hasn’t felt like it for a while).

I wrote some stuff one time.

To catch you up… Within a few months of publishing Briz and Bayla: The Bronze Age Bounty Hunters in late 2018, I got tagged at my day job to help a hospital management corporation do its due diligence as part of an acquisition of our hospital system. In summary, my time and energy got monopolized for some two years as part of that acquisition, in addition to being a manager of thirty onsite technicians, across seven hospitals. And then… BAM, COVID hit. The stress and worry over not just my health, but the health of my onsite team for the past year and a half, was the hardest burden I’ve ever known in over twenty years of working. So, for some two and a half years in total, I’ve fought and scratched for energy and time to knock out my next book. I’d murder 2020’s face if I could.

I’d murder 2020’s face if I could.

I have to say that if you’re reading this, I probably have you to thank for helping me persist and get this book out. All of the other authors out there that kept sharing their covers, news about their launches, their success, or any other news, helped me stay away from the “give up,” mindset. You helped keep me in a positive mindset when it came to writing. Even when I wasn’t writing. Your perseverance helped me keep the idea of my next book on my radar. And of course, the bloggers and readers. You helped me stay excited about reading and books as a whole. Because of you, I was able to hold onto fun and positivity when everything else was crap.

Eulogy for the Dawn! My new epic fantasy.

So, here we are! I’m back with Eulogy for the Dawn! Book one of my epic fantasy Wrathlore series. Brand new and freshly entered in the 7th Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off! Blurb and cover below.

Domaren constructs peace using his tools of war. He is a silencer of rebellions and a butcher of tyrants. To some, he is a champion defender. To others, he is a merciless eradicator. Together with his fellow Godknights, Domaren wields might and magic to carry out the will of the creators.

But the creators have suddenly gone silent.

As the last living Godknight present during the ancient rebellion known as Wrathlore, Domaren must rise above suspicions of deceit, faltering powers, and a world erupting in chaos if he hopes to learn the fate of the missing creators.

New epic fantasy book, Eulogy for the Dawn cover

– Jeramy

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Twitter: @JeramyGoble

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