Games of Astraeus for 99 cents, Oct. 5-12
Hello, amazing peoples!
Just wanted to slap up a quick note to let everyone know that you can get the Kindle version of Games of Astraeus for 99 cents, starting October 5th, through October 12th!

Book two picks up right where the first book left off and shoves you right back into the chaos. Games of Astraeus also continues where Souls of Astraeus left off, by further redefining the often-times stale sci-fi genre by letting the reader sink their eyes into the stories of multiple female protagonists and uncommon relationships. Readers will be exposed to additional dark and revealing details surrounding Daebaugh, and the timeworn mysteries of the ribbons. There are new Astraean adventures, worlds of the multiverse, and complex drama to delve into. The challenges facing the Astraeans cast a wider net, and entangle more of existence into their conflict.

Twitter: @JeramyGoble
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